
Deployment of the system can be carried out in several ways. You can use the built-in Deployer mechanism that automates the entire process of website deployment and publication on the target server. You can manually copy the files to the destination server. And you can also plug in the deployment process in the CD, for example in Gitlab - nothing difficult - Tulia CMS is based on Symfony, so the whole process looks mostly the same as any application based on Symfony.

Configuration for a production environment

Tulia CMS requires that the file exists in the production environment. It should contain the environment variables for the production environment. It is especially required for Deployer - without it the deployer will not work.

In this file, place the configuration of the database and other services on the production environment. Additionally, remember to set the correct variables APP_ENV=prod and APP_DEBUG=false.


Deployer is a tool written in PHP, which is designed to automate the deployment of small and medium-sized applications. It connects to the target server via SSH and performs deployment.

One of its advantages is automation and zero-downtime deployment. You can read more about it at This is the recommended deployment method because Tulia CMS already has a deployer configuration for many shared hostings.

Deployer initialization

To use the Deployer, you must initialize it. First, we'll add it to the project's dependencies:

make composer require deployer/deployer

Now we will initialize the deployer to work with the system. Execute the following command and select the target hosting on which you will server the application.

make console make:deployer


If it does not exist, select the custom option and manually configure the deployer according to its documentation.

Performing the deployment

Now that we have the Deployer configured, it's time for the deployment itself. To do it, just run the command below.

make deploy


During the first deployment, when there is no file structure on the server yet and the database is empty, the Deployer will ask if you want to synchronize the database and files in the /public directory. Answer these questions Yes and the Deployer will send the current version of all data from your computer to the target server. With each subsequent deployment, this data will not be synchronized.

Manual deploy and CD

To perform a manual or CD deployment, please refer to the Symfony documentation. However, there is one thing that needs to be done in addition. This is the make console assets:publish command, which is responsible for publishing system resources/assets and extensions to the /public directory.