List of Twig functions

Here you will find a list of features available in Twig views. They have been divided into modules so that you can understand them better.


Returns whether the current page is the home page.

Returns: boolean


Returns a list of flash messages. The first level of the table is a pair of message type as key (info, success, warning, danger) and list of messages as value.

Returns: array<string, array<int, string>>


Returns flash messages as already rendered HTML.

Returns: string


Returns whether the current environment is a development environment.

Returns: bool


Returns the active language of the site.

Returns: Tulia\Cms\Platform\Infrastructure\Framework\Routing\Website\LocaleInterface


Returns a list of all languages available for the site.

Returns: array<int, Tulia\Cms\Platform\Infrastructure\Framework\Routing\Website\LocaleInterface>


Returns the active language of the active site as an ISO code (e.g. en_US).

Returns: string


Returns the active site object with all its information (including its languages).

Returns: Tulia\Cms\Platform\Infrastructure\Framework\Routing\Website\WebsiteInterface


Returns a list of sites available for this system installation.

Returns: array<int, Tulia\Cms\Platform\Infrastructure\Framework\Routing\Website\WebsiteInterface>


Returns an object with the active theme.

Returns: Tulia\Component\Theme\ThemeInterface


Returns the value stored in the Customizer for the active theme. If there is none, it will return the default value of the control. As a parameter, it accepts the name of the control, and (optionally) the default value.

Returns: mixed

<div>{{ customizer_get('lisa.control') }}</div>


Returns the HTML attributes needed for the built-in function of Live Control of Customizer.

<div {{ customizer_live_control('lisa.control') }}>
    {{ customizer_get('lisa.control') }}

Returns: string


It takes a relative link and returns an absolute link to the view file from the active theme.

Returns: string

{% include template('_parts/header.tpl') %}


It takes a relative link and returns an absolute link to the parent theme view file from the active theme.

Returns: string

{% include parent_template('_parts/header.tpl') %}