Collection Extension

With the Collection extension, you can create a collection of items and manage them (add/delete, swipe up/down and right/left) - for example, FAQ. In addition, control buttons are added to each element to speed up the collection management process.

The condition for the correct operation of the collection is to assign an ID to each element of the collection at the start, in the form of a value of the string type (it can be a rigidly defined list of values, as in the example, but it must be a unique ID within a given collection):

// MyBlock.js
export default {
    store: {
        data: {
            state: () => {
                return {
                    faq: [
                            id: '1',
                            question: 'Will You marry me?',
                            answer: 'Yes, I do!',
                            id: '2',
                            question: 'When?',
                            answer: 'Today!',

Example of use


    <div class="row">
        <!-- Loop over the entries.collection, each entry has id property -->
        <div class="col" v-for="entry in faq.collection" :key="">
            <!-- Render controls for each entry's property -->
            <Contenteditable v-model="entry.question"></Contenteditable>
            <p><Contenteditable v-model="entry.answer"></Contenteditable></p>
            <!-- Render edit actions for this `entry`, across all `faq`-->
            <Actions actions="moveUp,moveDown,remove" :collection="faq" :item="entry"></Actions>
        <div class="col-12">
            <!-- Render edit actions for all `faq`-->
            <Actions actions="add" :collection="faq"></Actions>

<script setup>
    const { defineProps, inject } = require('vue');
    const props = defineProps(['block']);
    const block = inject('structure').block(props.block);
    const extensions = inject('extensions.registry');

    // We get the extension from block instance
    const Collection = extensions.editor('Collection');

    // We get the controls for collection
    const Actions = extensions.editor('Collection.Actions');

    // We have to create collection manager for edition purposes
    // First add the current collection, and second add the default element (without ID!) that
    // will be added automatically when user clicks od the action "Add new"
    const faq = new Collection(block, 'faq', {
        question: 'Will You marry me?',
        answer: 'Yes, I do!',


    <div class="row">
        <!-- Loop over the, each entry has id property -->
        <div class="col" v-for="entry in" :key="">
            <!-- Render controls for each entry's property -->
            <h2>{{ entry.question }}</h2>
            <p>{{ entry.answer }}</p>

Just loop through the elements in the block. Each item in the collection has a unique ID (needed for the for loop in VueJS).