
The customizer allows you to configure the theme using a practical sidebar with configuration options. Each theme can be customized with Customizer. That's how much he will be like this configurable depends only on the developer deploying the theme. You will now learn how to configure theme to work with Customizer.

Theme's configuration

The configuration of the available controls in the Customizer for a theme is in the theme configuration file /Resources/config/config.yaml, in the cms.theme.configuration.{theme/name}.customizer field. The Customizer configuration consists of three parts. We will start with adding and configuring sections and controls.

Configuration sections and controls

Under the theme key shown earlier, we add the builder key that holds the sections and controls, to be found in this section. Sections can be grouped within other sections. Each section may contain unlimited number of controls. Let's start with an example in which we will define the theme's leading color.

                            label: Colors
                                    type: colorpicker
                                    label: Primary color
                                    value: '#0f61b9'

Only for this example, the full path of the Customizer configuration was provided. Later in the article everything up to the builder key will be skipped.

We will now discuss the individual parts of the setup:

  • line 7 - first we define the section where we will place the controls
  • line 8 - we give it the display name of the section
  • line 9 - we list the controls in this section
  • line 10 - each control must have a unique name, after which you will be able to get to the value of the control
  • line 11 - type of control. By default it will always be a text field. List of control types You can find here.
  • line 12 - the display name of the control
  • line 13 - you can also specify a default value

Section in section

You can embed a section within another section. To do this, all you have to do is provide the parent key with a name parent section:

    label: Dedicated colors
    parent: lisa.colors

It is good practice to prefix the section names and the controls as the theme name. This can counter potential problems with name duplication.

Configuration of control types

Some controls have their configuration. For example, the type select allows you to specify list of options to be included in the control. We define the configuration of the control in the control_options key. Example of a control with two options to choose from:

    label: Control
    type: select
        choices: { yes: Do it, no: Dont do it }

Display the value of the control in the view

Now that we have the customizer values saved, it's time to display that value in the view. The function customizer_get() is responsible for this, to which we give the name of the control. It will return the value stored in the customizer, or the default value from the YAML configuration, if any customizer was not used. Example:

<div>{{ customizer_get('lisa.control') }}</div>

Preview without reloading

By default, all controls defined in the theme are refresh by reloading the page. You can, however, use another method of transporting the preview data called postMessage, thanks to which the system will send the changed value of the control for preview without reloading. However, in the case of this solutions, you must remember to implement the appropriate code that will update the selected element live. The system has a built-in function customizer_live_control(), which makes the postMessage implementation process a bit faster.

But first the configuration. To be able to use this type of refreshing, you need to add the transport: postMessage option to the control. The system will then start to treat changes in this control differently.

    label: Control
    transport: postMessage

To display a simple type of control (enter a text value into an HTML element), for example insert some content into a DIV, just use the customizer_live_control() function. The system will update automatically.

<div {{ customizer_live_control('lisa.control') }}>
    {{ customizer_get('lisa.control') }}

This function returns the HTML attributes given to the element it uses tell the system that this element is to be updated live. Note that even though the customizer_live_control() function was injected, the `customizer_get()`` function was still injected. This is due to the fact that the given element will be updated live by the system, but still the value in this element must be displayed also without the Customizer edit mode enabled in the Administration Panel - simply put: "in production".

Multilingual values

If any value is to be language dependent, set it to true in the multilingual field in the configuration:

    label: Control
    multilingual: true

Name translations

By default, all section and field names (label) are displayed directly from the configuration. However, you can translate them. To do this, just define the translation domain for the theme, define the translations in the files, and then use the translation key instead of the name in the label field:

    label: customizer.control

That's how you translate:

  • controls label
  • sections label

List of control types

  • text - text field (oneliner)
  • select - single-chose selection field

        choices: { yes: Do it, no: Dont do it }
  • filepicker - File picker field

        file_type: image
  • colorpicker - Color pallete picker
  • yes_no - Single-chose select with "Yes" and "No" options